By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Before you ask, Save Jerseyans, this photo from today’s Chattanooga recruiting office shooting is NOT photo-shopped unless CBS News did it (it’s theirs):
See that little sign? Look closer:
So there you have it. More death (4 marines and one police officer) in ideal liberal gun control conditions. Remember: U.S. military base personnel aren’t even allowed to carry personal firearms onto base except where there is a “credible” and specific threat against personnel in that region barring a specific, localized threat. I’d say today’s events are evidence that there is… right?
When will they learn? Do they even care?
Pray for peace for our fallen and wisdom for the living.
Military men and women not allowed to carry weapons! How do we turn this around? These liberal policies are costing lives. Want proof? Four Marines are DEAD.