By Scott St. Clair | The Save Jersey Blog
Every time a shooting incident makes national news, a hue and cry erupts for more gun control. Yet it was gun control that made the latest incident in Chattanooga as bad as it was since the facility where four Marines were killed was, by presidential order, a “gun-free zone.”
How stupid that we don’t trust our armed forces with firearms for their own self-defense?
Like the Ft. Hood, TX incident where Maj. Nidal Hasan stood on a table and indiscriminately killed 13 people and injured more than 30 others because none of the personnel, let alone their dependents, were armed, we now have Chattanooga.
Increasing domestic Islamic extremism and the terrorism it foments and encourages is an excellent answer to anyone who questions why the Second Amendment is necessary and relevant today. Jurisdictions that restrict gun rights endanger their citizens who could be a shooter’s next victims. Without a means of self-defense and the skills to use it, the public are sitting ducks, clay pigeons or fish in a barrel – take your pick.
It’s time for gun controllers to pack it up and go home. You endanger, not protect. Who knows: Maybe it will be a gun-carrying, pro-Second Amendment type who stands between you and the next Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez to save your life?
Government can’t always identify the crazies or the terrorists but there are always more “good guys” around than bad guys. Background checks will never be successful in keeping weapons out of the hands of the “bad guys” but many times they do keep good, responsible citizens from having the means to protect themselves. No one should ever been fooled. Gun control kills. NJ needs to recognize the right to own and carry firearms for self defense. More and more states are allowing responsible adults to carry firearms without government paperwork or permission but here in NJ politicians keep us defenseless.
It’s by design. Guns are restricted “for your protection” no more than tax money is confiscated “for your benefit”.
Carol Bowne deserved to be protected or to protect herself! Since the NJ Government and NJ Law failed her, lets vote them out and change the Law!