Vin Gopal’s Losing Formula

Photo via Facebook (Credit: Art Gallager/MMM)

Gopal’s only political play is to attack the integrity of the candidates he’s running against, regardless of the veracity of the attack.

By Art Gallagher |

In the aftermath of Red Bank Council President announcing on MoreMonmouthMusings that he would resign his seat on the borough council and withdraw as a candidate for another term, Monmouth Demcoratic Chairman Vin Gopal complained to the Asbury Park Press and The Two River Times that he has a hard time recruiting candidates to run for office because of the toxic political environment.

Vin Gopal is setting himself up for another fall. photo via facebook
Vin Gopal is setting himself up for another fall. photo via facebook

From APP:

I think it (Murphy’s resignation) is part of a larger problem, and he’s been thinking about it for a while,” Gopal said. “It’s about how negative and nasty local campaigns have been getting.”

From Two River Times:

Gopal however, said Murphy’s decision was not solely in response to the video. “It’s part of a larger problem with contemporary politics,” Gopal said, alleging that political opponents had on the sly recorded Murphy, unbeknownst to the councilman and released it for political gain.

“It’s sad it’s come to this,” Gopal said, noting that t

hese tactics increasingly have been making it difficult to get qualified candidates.”

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Art Gallagher
About Art Gallagher 432 Articles
Art Gallagher is a Highlands businessman, former President at Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce and the force behind the very popular Central Jersey political blog