Menendez and his buddies will be responsible for the next Kate Steinle

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

The “Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act” is common sense, Save Jerseyans. We still have a Supremacy Clause? Correct? And I suspect that if, hypothetically, counties began opting out of issuing same sex marriage licenses, future federal inmate Bob Menendez (D-Dominican Republic, Ecuador) and his liberal buddies would agree with me that… oh, wait…

You get my point.

This bill wouldn’t fundamentally changing immigration law. Its primary purpose is to compel cities to follow federal law at a time when the Obama Administration is refusing to perform the function. Cities can’t decide to pick and choose which federal laws they’re going to honor. Cities can’t set their OWN immigration policies! That’s a recipe for chaos, and if you know anyone in the Southwest, or if you’ve heard about the tragedy of Kate Steinle, gunned down in San Francisco as her father watched helplessly, then you know chaos is what we’ve bough for ourselves. But this is all about VOTES. Democrat votes. You know it and I know it.

So Hudson Bob meandered to the Senate floor on Tuesday to throw the name “Trump” around and argue against enforcing the rule of law that he swore, under oath, to uphold as recently as January 2013:

Moved by Menendez’s arguments regarding federal power, local law enforcement and the judiciary? As hypocritical as they might be given his lust for federal involvement in everything else, including fantasy football?

Bill O’Reilly said it best, folks:

There comes a point where the American people are going to have to take back their government. When a 32-year-old woman can be gunned down by and illegal felon who had been deported five times, and you can’t get a strict law punishing illegal alien felons passed. When that happens, you don’t have a functioning government. It is hard to believe, but far left in America is actively opposing Kate’s Law. It’s unbelievable — unbelievable is too gentle a word.”

Amen. This ass – and yes, I called him an ass without hesitation or apology – is more concerned about “protecting” you and me from fantasy freakin’ football than preventing the next murder of a beautiful, innocent young American woman by someone who had no business being here in the first place.

Ass is also too gentle a word.

Menendez and his buddies will be responsible for the next Kate Steinle. I’ll be sure to remind them right here. Count on it. 


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Anyone who mentions reform with “immigration” should be taken out an horsewhipped. Double for those who say that we can’t deport 12 million people (or whatever). If aliens are picked up for no driver’s license, being at a dog fight or peeing in publc, deport their butts. Send a message and watch the rest “self deport” out of fear or that the head of household is gone. We don’t need 100% – I’ll settle for 80% out the door and the slowing down of new faces. Then we can devote more time to high taxes.

  2. Deport all illegals, *-*- Yes, we do have a serious refugee crisis in America, it’s none other than our very own American Senior US citizens, who worked all their working life and contributed to our SS funds, in the Hope of being able to enjoy our Golden Years. That American Dream got shattered, just because our politicians got corrupt and started STEALING from it and now borrowing from China under our name to give it as aid to Islamic states! *** Why are we quietly bringing in 70,000 refuges each year to provide free Furnished apartments, social welfare, food stamps, free medical all payed for and education and transportation. The media hardly reporting it. *-*-*- Cubans are coming daily by the boat loads, arriving on Florida shores and some with visas in spite of what Cuba has been doing behind our backs working with Russia, who knows how many Russians troops are stationed in Cuba and how many Russian nuclear heads pointed at us from Cuba. We reward them by giving Billions in aid, what a blunder ! ! *-*-*- Even south Korea has betrayed US after taking Billions in aid and some 35,000 to 40,000 US forces protecting them for years, now in cahoots with China. What a mess Obama made of our Great country and everything he did is irreversible, we all will grind for the rest of our lives but still can’t undo a thing. *-*-* Our Generals so sick of Obama that they prefer to resign rather than take him down by armed forces as a traitor ! ! !

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