By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog

Decision-makers in Washington, D.C. and Trenton, New Jersey were consumed this week with the Syrian refugee debacle.
Are you ready for some informed but brutally honest perspective, Save Jerseyans?
Save Jersey Blogger-in-Chief Matt Rooney is on News12’s ‘Power and Politics‘ program this weekend debating the moral and legal implications with Jeanne LoCicero, Deputy Legal Director for the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey (ACLU-NJ).
You have six chances to watch the program, Save Jerseyans; Power and Politics airs both Saturday 11/21 and Sunday 11/22 at 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and again 4:30 p.m. each day. Please check your local listings for additional programming information.
Want more conservative commentary with a Jersey-tude? To enjoy additional Save Jersey appearances/interviews/profiles/newspaper clippings, click here.
.I’d prefer pistols at 10 paces …PPV ..; just kidding…
I’ll set my DVR!
“Want more conservative commentary with a Jersey-tude?”
What the hell is “Jersey-tude?” Perhaps you meant to write “JerseyTard,” a colloquial vulgarity referencing the low intelligence quotient of the average Garden State voter.
Yes. U sent New e-mail. THIS. I WILL SET MY DVR FOR YR 5000 for dates 9/12- 9/13. Yr date u sent e-mail to meeeer. 11/20/2015.
Matt is an utter buffoon. This “debate” (spewing Fox’s talking points isn’t a debate) was hysterical. Crawl back under your oversized rock.
BORING! VERY BORING!, Christie (Our Great Waisted Decider) does not want Weed in NJ because he may get the Munchies and the Tax Revenue would bail out NJ in under 10 years! Also Blondie stumbled over too many words too, Weird!