By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog
Governor Chris Christie is on record accepting anthropocentric climate as fact, Save Jerseyans, but for him, it’s the President’s priorities that are the problem:
The President is struggling mightily to be relevant in a dangerous world, and he’s focused on the wrong climate. If he wants to change the climate, he should change the climate in this country. There is an awful climate between the people in this country and their government, who they don’t trust. There’s an awful climate in this country between those who are practicing religion in a faithful and peaceful way and those who want to use violence to put forward religious causes and, quite frankly, there’s more tension in the climate between the races in this country seven years after Barack Obama was elected, than before. So the climate I’d like to see the President focusing on changing the climate inside the country that he was elected to care for. But he’s going for another, apparently, Noble Peace Prize to run around, to put next to Al Gore’s and his first one and jumping all over this issue when the coalition he should be building and leading, in my view, is a coalition to fight terrorism and to keep the homeland safe. And I think he’s just misapplying his talents and I wish he would focus on America first and the issues that are of most concern to the American people right now. And believe me, in a list of those climate change would not make the top ten, I suspect. At least given what I’ve heard from folks over the course of the last six months that I’ve been campaigning in different parts of the country.”
Both Christie and Save Jersey need to get a clue because neither of know the science behind this issue and have no idea what they’re talking about.
The is no anthropogenic climate change, dummy. Seriously…is Soros paying you to post here or are you making an ass of yourself for idle amusement?