By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
I get it. Saying excessively nice things about old people is polite (and expected – especially in the political context). Trent Lott wasn’t endorsing segregation when he said the country would’ve been better off with President Strom Thurmond.
I’d like to think Cory Booker (D-Twitter) was similarly less-than-serious during his weekend swing through Iowa for the Hillary Clinton campaign:
That’s right! Cory Booker just compared the Father of our country to the Mother of server-wiping. You can’t make this shit up. I guess it’s desperation time with Bernie Sanders leading the two most recent polls in Iowa (which votes in a little over two weeks)… and if you’re also vying for a vice presidential spot…
Here’s more from his campaign swing:
Another “token” speaks like a moron.
Booker is vying for the VP slot.
and “F” him!!
I just spit up reading that!
If Booker gets VP, all you can do with Democrats is just point and laugh.
Another Affirmative Action Douche Bag.
Must be Comedy Central
You voted for him NJ. You must be so proud.
Beware the one-time US Senator. This has happened before.
I can not tell a lie to..I cant tell the truth…..time flies .Democracy aluve and well
Note to self never vote Booker.
If she’s not indicted, it’s proof positive that laws are not applied equally.
He messed Newark all up !!
Uh, that’s not only wrong, but DEAD WRONG!!! Hilary in 2016…..FOR PRISON!!!
Based upon WHAT, FANTASY?
It is precisely for this reason that I never voted for Cory Booker, never thought about voting for him and never will.
If you tell a big enough lie and tell it often, people will believe you.
Adolph Hitler
So I guess by that statement he thinks the south should have been allowed to keep blacks as slaves then, since he didn’t mention Abe Lincoln. Also – he must think Hillary is better than Obama and that Obama really wasn’t that qualified.
omg, i can’t even…
Gotta be kidding!!!
NJ mooch a mayor Newark needs the money keep sending NJ is going broke Booker give our state money away
That’sproof Booker’s on drugs
He must be smoking something really strong or he just wants to get his bid in for the VP slot early.
hahaha. The only thing she has in common with George Washington is she made look like him
Hillary , for prison in 2017
One thing we know for a fact Cory Booker is so full of s*** his f****** teeth are floating when that son of a b**** dies they going to give him an enema and bury him in a shoebox that mother f***** she’s the most qualified presidents in Washington what an a****** you see the stupid s*** that the Dems come up with
According crazies?
Has he been smoking hash in the street again?
Time for a recall on Booker. Thought he’d be different.
Only in nj would an idiot like Cory booker be elected so he can make stupid statements like this – no wonder people are fleeing nj when morons like this are in charge
Ha ha ha
Cory Booker is competing with the twin Castro for vice president. Sad thing is he is never in New Jersey like his mentor Gov Chris Christie.
What an idiot lost my vote!
Booker is such an idiot. He left Newark in the toilet and how he’s going to do this for the entire state.
Cory Booker is a joke and makes NJ look worse than it even is.
Why wasn’t he in nj or DC? What the hell does he need to be in Iowa for?
You gotta be kidding, Cory. Only an idiot would buy into that analogy .
Her AND her scumbag partner could never hold a candle to ANY founding father
Cory Booker is a clown who has accomplished ZERO
Maybe if we had run a Republican w a pulse in 2014 we could have won! Every Democrat in office in New Jersey outside of the heavily urban areas is the fault of the inept NJGOP.