By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Have you seen this? From last week’s Trump Pensacola pep rally?
Since your Blogger-in-Chief has a longer memory than most, I still remember when the Trumpies recorded in attendance above ^^^ where blasting the Obamaphiles for this travesty:
Both incidents SHOULD remind older readers of something foreign and terrible, from a Cold War of our past:
Real men don’t hide behind kids, Save Jerseyans.
It’s cheap, emotionally-manipulative, and yes, more than a little creepy. Says a TON about the campaigns cults using them, too. So just don’t do it!
Hopefully the Trump kids will be the scariest thing you will see this whole election cycle (besides Donald Trump himself).
If memory serves, Marco Rubio also did time as a cheerleader – though obviously not for the Trump campaign.
So tell us, Matt….has Marcus Rubrumious sprouted chest hair yet?
For all our fundamental disagreements, Matt, this is something I totally cosign. Well said. Hear, hear.