Trump snubs CPAC; here’s hoping attendees learn these three lessons…

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Hate to say “told you so” but I will anyway…

This year’s CPAC attendees currently gathered near the nation’s capital this Saturday and hankering for a major dose of populism and low-brow humor are out of luck, Save Jerseyans:

Don’t get mad. Get smart:

(1) Trump is skipping CPAC because he’s not as inevitable as shills like Hannity and Ann Coulter want you to believe. Nursing a large and significant delegate lead? You bet. But the #1 reason for today’s pull-out likely relates to unexpectedly close weekend contests in Missouri and Kansas. He doesn’t want to lose the annual straw poll, either, which he likely will because 2/3 of Republicans on average are still voting against the guy. Roughly 72% of North Carolina GOPer’s are ready to vote against him. If it was ANY other candidate, the media would be debating the Donald’s glaring “base problem” as the race consolidates and moves to closed-primary states. But they have an agenda, folks. That much is clear. So he’ll protect his “winner” narrative by campaigning instead of showboating on national TV.

trump(2) Trump will only remain loyal to the conservative movement when it suits him. He’s not a conservative or a liberal, Save Jerseyans: he’s a Donald. He does whatever is best for the Donald, at all times, with no regard for ideology or morality which is why his many flip flops – and “explanations” – were so comical Thursday’s debate. Conservatives pretending he’s anything OTHER than what we saw on television last night are playing with fire and likely to get burned. Ask the folks who bought tickets to see him at Gaylord National on Saturday. They should’ve asked the Trump University people before buying the tickets.

(3) The Conservative Movement needs to get back to basics. I can’t say this strongly enough. A clown like Trump was able to infiltrate the party with frightening effectiveness because too many “conservatives” don’t even know what that means anymore. The coalition’s leaders – including past CPAC organizers – share the blame. We’re not teaching anymore. We’ve traded intelligent discourse for celebrity and 140-character put-downs. Who can blame the newly-engaged or ill-informed for mistakenly believing nationalism and conservatism are synonyms? My advice for all young #‎CPAC‬ attendees: less Breibart/Fox News, more Federalist Papers and Milton Friedman. Mind your diets! I want to see you avoid the mistakes of your predecessors… we will grow the movement NOT by compromising our values BUT enticing other Americans to share them like Reagan did.

For anyone who isn’t willing to sleep on those three points above?

Here’s a Friday-appropriate musical consolation note from me to you for the long trip home:



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign has just announced it will be in Wichita, Kansas for a major rally on Saturday, prior to the Caucus. Mr. Trump will also be speaking at the Kansas Caucus and then departing for Orlando, Florida to speak to a crowd of approximately 20,000 people or more.

    Because of this, he will not be able to speak at CPAC, as he has done for many consecutive years. Mr. Trump would like to thank Matt Schlapp and all of the executives at CPAC and looks forward to returning to next year, hopefully as President of the United States.

  2. The only pass I’m willing to give Trump is that guy who organized the big walkout on Jeb organized one on Donald, and claimed he had 300 people ready to walk out. That’s a bad optic. I’m sure his campaign manager said let’s not get that photo, and I kind of have to agree with him.

  3. Looking forward to reading your glowing endorsement of Ted Cruz, R00ney. Unless, of course, you’re still a GOPe D0pe for Rubio

  4. Trump understand what Reagan understood, having your enemies fear you IS A GOOD THING!!! That’s what kept the world in balance during his presidency! We NEED Trump in the White House at this time in History!!!!!!

  5. Do yourself a favor and actually READ history if you want to know wheere Trump is coming from and where he wants to take us.

  6. The Donald supported the massive Corzine toll hikes. The CEO of Trump Enterprises was on the steering committee that was attempting to push them through. Anybody who supported the Corzine toll hikes is unfit to serve in public office.

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