Heidi Cruz is in New Jersey today. But where isn’t she?

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

The wife of U.S. Senator and GOP presidential hopeful Ted Cruz is in New Jersey today, Save Jerseyans. Here are the details if you’re interested in checking any of the events out (one is already over – sorry):

8:30 a.m. Firehouse 1, Wayne, NJ: https://heidicruzwaynenj.eventbrite.com

12:30 p.m. Freedom Park, Medford, NJ: https://heidicruzmedford.eventbrite.com

3:00 p.m. iPlay America, Freehold, NJ: https://heidicruzfreehold.eventbrite.com

Where won’t she be?

Promoting the mini-campaign swing on NJ 101.5 radio. According to our old friend Bill Spadea, Mrs. Cruz backed out of appearances – twice – and the second reason ticked him off:

A few weeks back, Heidi Cruz postponed an interview with me, after they decided that Heidi should be with her husband Ted in Wisconsin. While I’m sure the Cruz campaign didn’t appreciate my snarky response that they have working phones in Wisconsin, they said they would revisit the interview later on.

Yesterday I checked in with my contact to find out if Heidi would be coming into the studio or calling in to the show and I received a very odd response. About an hour later, in an email, I was told that Heidi wouldn’t be coming on the show because of a post MY FATHER had put out on social media. My only response was “WHAT?!”

My father posted an article, without any further commentary, about Heidi Cruz and Melania Trump interacting while they’re husbands are going at it on the campaign trail.

Welcome to the social media age of vetting….

Here is Bill’s full side of the story on air this AM:

I went back in forth with Bill on Twitter about it and, after conceding that Heidi should’ve gone on his show (running from these things NEVER makes it better), reminded Bill that he’s been an open and loud Trump-booster for many months now… so her opt-out isn’t surprising:

None of it is likely to affect the final result.

Early polling suggests Trump is on pace to do as well here in N.J. (and Cruz just as poorly) as we saw last night in neighboring New York.

More on that later. For now: all of this reinforces my inclination to write-in ‘Paul Ryan’ or ‘Antonin Scalia’ on June 7th. Can’t lie to you, folks. I don’t want to endorse any of this silliness with my vote. I may be one of the few who still takes the franchise very seriously.

And as far as the media is concerned, I’ll continue to hope that all media (liberal and conservative alike) focus less on the horse race or, as is the case with many personalities like Sean Hannity and Bill Spadea, celebrations of populism and start scrutinizing the Donald’s vague and, in many cases, troubling beliefs. Hope is all a republican (small ‘R’) has to hold onto in these dark hours.

Do we want another president who isn’t vetted? If the media isn’t willing to work at preventing that outcome then who will? Anyone?


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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