UPDATE: Princeton won’t scrub Woodrow Wilson’s name (but changes informal motto)

princeton woodrow wilsonBy Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

The official response to a manufactured uproar over Woodrow Wilson’s legacy at Princeton University is over…. for now, Save Jerseyans.

On Monday morning, the Princeton University trustees announced that they had voted to keep the controversial Democrat president – New Jersey’s only president to day – on campus buildings and associated programs as a response to last fall’s sit-ins.

But NOT, of course, without plenty of tokenism that comes clearly from the mouths of some high paid consultant-types…

In retaining Wilson’s name, “contextualization is imperative,” the committee said. “Princeton must openly and candidly recognize that Wilson, like other historical figures, leaves behind a complex legacy of both positive and negative repercussions, and that the use of his name implies no endorsement of views and actions that conflict with the values and aspirations of our times. We have said that in this report, and the University must say it in the settings that bear his name.” 

Duh. Which is why it wouldn’t been better for the trustees to simply come out and say “get over it… every historical figure has dirt under his or her fingernails if you look closely enough.” Using the language of PC thugs only invites more of this behavior. Making concessions invites aggression.

Which is why Princeton is changing its informal motto, “Princeton in the nation’s service and the service of all nations” to include the service of all “humanity.”

That’ll teach’em. I feel so much better now!

Good grief. Look: if Princeton’s trustees truly want to serve their students/all nations/humanity/trans-galactic peoples, whatever, they’ll stop worrying about the school’s motto and start canning idiot professors like Imani Perry who are doing more to divide the next generation than prepare it to serve all nations/humanity/trans-galactic peoples.

That’s quality advice offered free of charge unlike, I’m sure, whatever help they got in preparing this weak-kneed response to the PC thugs.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8761 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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