NJ-05: McAuliffe probe casts shadow over Gottheimer campaign

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Clinton Democrat Josh Gottheimer‘s primary rationale for challenging Rep. Scott Garrett (R, NJ-05) this year?

The guy could raise cash. Big cash.

gottheimerHis fundraising prowess relates to the Wyckoff resident and business executive’s time as a former adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton.

If THAT doesn’t raise a few red flags for you, Save Jerseyans, then go ahead and check your pulse.

Those connections come with a price.

Another Clintonista, former DNC Chairman and current Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, made headlines this week for all of the wrong reasons. He’s reportedly under FBI investigation for alleged campaign finance violations. Before that? He was a yuuuuge Gottheimer ally… and fan.

“We’re going to pick up in ’16 a new member of Congress. Where’s Josh Gottheimer?” said McAuliffe at the 2015 Jefferson Jackson Dinner in Union County. “We’re going to win the Fifth Congressional District. Where is he? Stand up and give him a big round of applause!”

It’s part of a pattern. We all know that Gotteimer’s former boss, Hilldawg, was already under FBI investigation. Fish swim, birds fly, the Clintons break laws. Practically a law of nature! Their friends are birds of the same feather. Disgraced former U.S. Senator Bob “The Torch” Torricelli has donated. Recently, Gottheimer had to return campaign contributions from a domestic violence convict, Ibrahim Al-Rashid, but the House Majority PAC (which was very active in NJ-03 in 2014) kept and spent the cash. Will any of that cash directly or indirectly play a role in NJ-05 this cycle?

The choice facing NJ-05 voters is painfully clear this time around. Even if you don’t agree with Scott Garrett 100% of the time (who does? with anyone?), the man is undoubtedly an independent thinker who can’t be bought, and your only other choice is a man who is a key junior lieutenant in the greater Clinton Empire of Corruption. That’s really no choice at all. Gottheimer the candidate is fatally tainted and compromised.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.