By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog
It’s made national news, Save Jerseyans
A bill sponsored and pushed in the state Legislature calls to prohibit “any activity unrelated to the actual operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that interferes with the safe operation of the vehicle on a public road or highway.”
That means no drinking coffee or applying makeup during your morning commute.
Of course, as is routinely the case in Trenton, jokers like John Wisniewski don’t care if their bills actually address the problem or even correlate to an actual problem.
The goal is to “doing” something. Anything! To justify their existence. Even if the solution doesn’t make any sense or is in of itself a solution in search of a problem.
Don’t believe us?
Ask the experts.
“Bans on hand-held phone use and texting are increasingly common, but it is not clear that they reduce crashes,” explains the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s Highway Loss Data Institute on its website. “This is the case even though IIHS research has documented that bans on hand-held phone use reduce overall phone use. There is a disconnect between estimated crashes due to cellphone use and real-world crash trends, which indicate that crashes have been declining in recent years, even as driver phone use has increased.”
Wisniewski needs to explain why this attempt would turn out any differently.