ROONEY RANTS: Hillary’s latest Russian attack angle is the height of hypocrisy


When Hillary Clinton categorized Donald Trump’s latest Putinphilia commentary as ‘unpatriotic and insulting,’ Save Jerseyans, I couldn’t help but chuckle in between long, deep sobs over the fate of my country.

Is this really what it comes down to? For the country that saved the world — twice — and put a man on the Moon?

A contest between a man (Trump) who is so unbothered by Russia’s imperialism that he hired a campaign chairman who worked for a Putin-backed party and a woman (Clinton) whose foundation rakes in money from foreign powers when she’s not destroying e-mails to cover her tracks?

There are no ‘good guys’ this time around.


American voters are called upon to choose between ‘evils’ this November. Chaos versus corruption. Uncertainty versus incompetence. Hubris versus radicalism.

However, Election 2016 is also a master’s course in the stunning hypocrisy of the Left, championed by former Secretary Clinton, whose master-level hypocrisy which may act as a tiebreaker in Trump’s favor for many American voters, myself included among them, when we head to the polling stations two months from now.

The problem here goes well-beyond the usual considerations of partisanship.

When Trump praised Putin’s ‘strong control’ over his county at Wednesday night’s joint televised candidate forum, asserting that the former KGB agent is ‘far more’ of an effective leader than President Obama, the recklessness of Trump’s comments speak for themselves.

GOP candidates can and I’d argue must critique President Obama’s pathetic leadership record without providing propaganda opportunities for tyrants who routinely work against our interests. That’s not too much to ask of an aspiring leader of the free world.

trump hillary yellingBut where was Secretary Clinton’s outrage when President Obama promised then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev ‘flexibility’ during a hot mic moment at a press conference?
Has she upbraided her former competitor and boss for trashing the Republican nominee in foreign capitals, a regrettable practice that could severely undermine Trump’s authority to act on America’s behalf should he succeed the incumbent in January?


And lest we forget Hillary’s own ‘reset button’ gift to Russia. Yes, her failures are ones of omission AND commission.

Perspective is what I want out of this cycle. The primary is over.

Is Trump ‘scary’ as Hilldawg asserts? You bet. Still, that’d be a lot like O.J. Simpson warning women not to date Chris Brown because he’s got anger issues. It’s that ridiculous! She’s counting on you to vote your fears while skipping the critical comparative analysis attendant to any election in a two-party system.

I haven’t changed my initial assessment of her competitor. Donald Trump isn’t this country’s best possible commander-in-chief. Far from it.

He might still win the big prize, all in spite of himself, owing to the fact that the average American independent voter can see right through Hillary Clinton’s hypocritical, self-interested rhetoric. This Russian nonsense is only the latest, clearest example.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.