Federal court sides with Islamic group in Bernards Township mosque battle

A case that seems to generate strong opinions between, and within, both sides of the ideological divide just took its first major legal turn, Save Jerseyans.

This weekend, U.S. District Judge Michael Shipp ruled that New Jersey’s Bernards Township had violated the “Religious Land Use and Institutional Persons Act” when its planning board insisted upon allegedly onerous parking requirements for a new mosque.

The story began years ago when the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge purchased a four-acre plot in Bernards Township.

The Society sought to knock down a house and replace it with a mosque.

39 public hearings, numerous denied permit applications and four years later?

Shipp ruled that the township’s “unbridled and unconstitutional discretion” is unconstitutional.

The full opinion is viewable HERE.


Flashback: March 21, 2016


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