UPDATED: LoBiondo Urges Trump to “Reassess” Implementation of Travel Ban

Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ2)
Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ2)
Update 1/30 @ 7:21 p.m.

After posting the statement below, Save Jerseyans, we heard from LoBiondo Chief of Staff Jason Galanes who wanted to stress that the Congressman’s beef isn’t with the substance of the President’s actions.

“He supports the substance of the executive order though believes the implementation – without coordination with Department of Homeland Security, ambiguity for green-card holders, lack of direction across airports etc –  is what needs to be reassessed,” Galanes explained to us via e-mail.

Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-2) is one the Republicans questioning President Donald Trump’s executive order temporarily banning refugees from 7 countries this morning, Save Jerseyans.

“The security of our nation and safety of Americans must come first as we combat radical Islamic terrorism. This is a temporary pause in the refugee resettlement program so that we may strengthen the screening process to prevent Islamic jihadists from coming to our country to attack us,” explained LoBiondo. “The hasty execution of such efforts have created wide-spread confusion, frustration and misrepresentation of what America stands for. This was avoidable and I urge the Trump Administration, working with appropriate federal, state and local agencies, to quickly reassess.”

Other Republican detractors included Ohio’s Senator Bob Portman who told CNN over the weekend that the program “wasn’t properly vetted” notwithstanding the need for stronger controls.

New Jersey Democrats, on the other hand, remain near-unanimous in their opposition:


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