Christie Signs 11 Bills, Vetoes 2 Others

Here’s the full list, Save Jerseyans….


A-333/S-2300 (Singleton, Quijano, Caputo, Taliaferro, Green, Caride, Houghtaling/Stack, Beck) – w/STATEMENT – Ensures project deadline fairness, enhances transparency, and establishes foreclosure protection and mortgage relief program for certain Superstorm Sandy-impacted homeowners

A-544/S-385 (Pinkin, Lagana, Mazzeo, Mukherji, Houghtaling/Stack, Barnes) – Requires annual notice of assessment on property to contain bolded notice of filing deadline for appeal

A-1668/S-354 (Schaer, Jasey, Johnson, Zwicker, Giblin, Downey, Wimberly/T. Kean) – Establishes New Jersey Commission on Higher Education and Business Partnerships

A-1945/S-1243 (Coughlin, Sumter, Wimberly/Vitale, Cunningham) – Requires AG and county prosecutor to provide notification on website concerning persons indicted or prosecuted for crimes under certain circumstances

A-2199/S-744 (Singleton, Holley, Rodriquez-Gregg, Downey/Beach, Turner) – Establishes veterans’ preference for affordable housing in certain housing projects

A-2228/S-2489 (DeAngelo, Lagana, Pinkin, McKnight, Benson/Cruz-Perez, Van Drew) – Includes all disabled veterans in NJT discount program for senior citizens and persons with disabilities

A-2514/S-2178 (DeAngelo, Pinkin, Tucker, Space, Phoebus/Beach, Oroho) – Permits local units of government to enter into shared services agreements with federal military installations located in the State

A-2517/S-2008 (DeAngelo, Andrzejczak, Tucker, Conaway, Land/Beach, Allen) – Provides preference to certain employers applying for workforce development grants

A-2619/S-2409 (Gusciora, Wimberly, Holley, Muoio, Chiaravalloti, Sumter/Vitale, Cruz-Perez) – Requires that certain inmates with detainers be provided access to drug treatment programs

A-3267/S-2519 (Singleton, Webber, Holley, Mukherji, Lampitt, Wimberly, Houghtaling/Vitale) – Provides for voluntary contributions by taxpayers on gross income tax returns to support autism programs

A-3333/S-1509 (Singleton, Mukherji, Oliver, Muoio, Houghtaling/Turner, Cruz-Perez) – Establishes microenterprise training program and assistance for microentrepreneurs; gives priority status to projects involving microenterprises under Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit Program


A-756/S-2046 (Moriarty, Coughlin, Mukherji, Benson/Cruz-Perez)CONDITIONAL –Regulates use of motor vehicle payment assurance devices

A-4189/S-2670 (Gusciora, Muoio, Mukherji, Pintor Marin, Chiaravalloti, Wimberly/Van Drew, Turner) – CONDITIONAL – Extends duration of first five designated UEZs for two additional years; specifies permissible use of UEZ funds; requires DCA Commissioner to assess and issue report on UEZ program


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