That Time Phil Murphy Compared Trump to Hitler


We’re going to write a LOT more about the tenure of presumptive N.J. Democrat gubernatorial nominee Phil Murphy (D-Goldman Sachs) as U.S. Ambassador to Germany before Election 2017 is over, Save Jerseyans.

Count on it. The material is plentiful. 

For now? The YouTube clip below definitely stands out. It’s video footage of the time Phil Murphy not-too-subtly compared Donald Trump and his followers/supporters to the freakin’ Nazis at a post-election rally.

Specifics: Murphy said it back on November 20th to an audience of 400 “progressives” gathered in Montclair, New Jersey….

I have lived in Germany twice – once as a private citizen and once as the United States ambassador, and I’m a modest student of Germany history. And I know what was being said about somebody else in the 1920s. And you could unfortunately drop in names from today into those observations from the 1920’s, and the moves that have been made early on only aide and abet that argument.”

Yikes. He tried to be cute about it but his meaning wasn’t very ambiguous particularly given the context of the news cycle in which he said it. He was asserting that Trump, and Trumpism, is analogous to the rise of Hitler and the Nazis in 1930s Germany.

Keep in mind – this guy is running for governor to “stand up to bullies like Donald Trump and Chris Christie” (that’s the line he’s recycling over, and over, and over again on social media).

Isn’t hyperbole like THIS exactly the kind of behavior which President Trump’s detractors allegedly loath? And frequently compare to the demonizing tactics of foreign demagogues and dictators from the pages of our history books?

Can you hope to unite/lead a state when you sincerely believe HALF of the nation (and 1.6+ million New Jerseyans who voted for Donald Trump) are 21st Century Nazis?

How can a Governor Murphy expect to have a working relationship, on a day-to-day basis or when the next natural disaster strikes, with a president he’s compared to Hitler?

Do you seriously believe Donald Trump is as evil as a guy who killed MILLIONS of human beings? And plunged the planet into war?

You may hate the Donald as much as Phil Murphy, folks, and that’s your right, but when you’re running to lead a state of 9 million souls with major problems like Phil is, and your initial roll-out involves goofy plans like founding a state bank (because Trenton does a great job with what it has!) and comparing the opposition to genocidal maniacs… we’re left to question your judgment and fitness for the job in question.

We may’ve finally found the liberal who’s too extreme for “Blue” Jersey…

Here’s the video:

You can watch Murphy’s full remarks over here.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.