WATCH: Town Hall Scumbags Heckle GOP Congressman For Discussing His Dead Daughter

MacArthur answers questions at a 2017 health care town hall meeting.

My friend Tom MacArthur (R, NJ-03) did what an elected representative is supposed to do on Wednesday night, Save Jerseyans…

Hosted a town hall, in a town inside his district that didn’t vote for the two-term congressman, and allowed constituents to hold him accountable for his central role in the latest health care reform effort. He doesn’t deserve kudos for doing his job, sure, but civility (defined here as behavior that actually advances the health care discussion) would’ve been nice.

Oh well.

The rude, boorish and in many cases downright despicable behavior of hardened partisans and recruited protesters was on full display in Willingboro; things got particularly obnoxious whenever MacArthur tried to talk about his daughter, a special needs girl named Grace who died at the unfairly early age 11. The Congressman insisted, repeatedly, that her experience informed his decision-making; the foundation founded by him and his wife, Debbie, in their daughter’s honor has donated over 1,600 wheelchairs to needy families among other charitable acts.

“So if I talk about my daughter too much, then so be it, but this is the one human being that impacted my life more than everybody,” he said at one point.

“Write a book,” an audience member dismissively called out.

Yup! Your eyes are fine. There was a lot of that.

Here’s the video:

Remember this video whenever the media tries to portray reactions to Obamacare’s repeal as something other than what it is, Save  Jerseyans: a well-orchestrated, partisan-motivated shit fit.

You’ll know better. You know who these people REALLY are.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8539 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.