Booker Authors Twitter Legal Novella (!) Accusing Trump of Obstruction of Justice. Here’s Why He’s Wrong.

Cory Booker (D-Twitter) apparently believes that tweeting, shoveling snow and rescuing cats stuck in trees qualifies him to opine on criminal matters; more so, perhaps, than Alan Dershowitz?

Check out this legal NOVELLA (!) he unloaded on Twitter shortly after the Comey hearing wrapped up:

As of this writing, Save Jerseyans, Sen. Booker has NOT answered the question of our contributor and conservative Twitter ninja Alyssa Krumm:

Alyssa will be waiting awhile for an answer.

Hypocrisy aside… is he right? About the obstruction of justice allegation?

‘No’ according to Ron Hosko, a former assistant director for the FBI, in a pre-hearing interview with The Daily Signal:

Comey, during his testimony on Capitol Hill, reportedly will not accuse Trump of trying to obstruct the FBI’s investigation of Flynn.

A Comey memo reportedly noted that after dinner at the White House, Trump told him in a February meeting: “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go.”

It would be tough to make Trump’s stating this in a meeting with Comey the basis of an obstruction charge, Hosko said. But it could give Mueller reason to seek all records of communications or behind-the-scenes actions by Trump regarding the FBI’s Flynn probe.

“The president could have been expressing his wishful thinking to Comey,” Hosko said. “If his true intent was to decapitate an investigation, it would be a more troubling issue.”

Under a “unitary executive” view of the law, it would be difficult to charge a president for seeking to shut down an investigation within the executive branch, Ray said.

“It might be constitutional grounds for impeachment, but it’s not obstruction of justice,” he told The Daily Signal.

Dershowitz asserted a similar line of analysis AFTER the hearing:

Click here for more sober analysis of all possible criminal charges coming out of all of this. Spoiler alert: Cory Booker’s amateur legal analysis doesn’t hold up well at all. At all!

Did President Trump do the ‘wrong’ thing? Maybe.

Did he do anything illegal/impeachable? Nope.

Sen. Booker should stick to tweeting Winnie the Pooh quotes and leave legal analysis to the adults:


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.