Christie signs 5 bills, vetoes 1

From the Governor’s desk today in Trenton….


S-295/A-2334 (Vitale, Sarlo/Benson, Vainieri Huttle, Mazzeo, Mukherji, Downey, Wimberly) – Requires DOH to issue standing order authorizing pharmacists to dispense opioid antidotes to patients without individual prescriptions

S-651/A-4262 (Turner, Pennacchio/Muoio, Lampitt, Chiaravalloti, Mukherji, Jimenez) – Requires family day care providers and certain household members to undergo criminal history record background checks

S-972wGR/A-1788 (Sweeney, O’Toole, Ruiz/Burzichelli, Giblin, Pintor Marin) – Establishes Child Advocacy Center-Multidisciplinary Team Advisory Board and certification program for child advocacy centers and multidisciplinary teams; appropriates $10 million

S-2564/A-4115 (Weinberg, A.R. Bucco/Johnson, Vainieri Huttle, A.M. Bucco, Quijano, Holley, Mukherji) – Provides that driver’s license and identification cards expire every four years on licensee or cardholder’s birthday

AJR-91/SJR-71 (Tucker, Johnson, Holley, Downey/Beach, Van Drew) – Designates June 27 of each year as “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day”


A-4352/S-2843 (Burzichelli, Taliaferro/Sweeney)CONDITIONAL – Provides for elimination of newly formed non-operating school districts; establishes procedures for eliminating deficit that existed prior to merger; authorizes renting of school building for 10 years


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