Lance Introduces Legislation to Mandate E-Verify

If Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) gets his way?

All U.S. employers will be required to use a E-Verify system to bar the hiring of illegal immigrant workers.

“E-Verify is a proven system for making sure job opportunities are for American workers. E-Verify is a deterrent against illegal immigration and expanding it to new workplaces will make sure legal, American workers are not shut out of employment. We need E-Verify up and running and we need all employers to participate to make it effective,” said Lance last week.

Congressman Lance is in charge of shepherding the House version of U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (IA)’s Accountability Through Electronic Verification Act through the lower chamber. 

Rep. Leonard Lance (R, NJ-07)

Lance’s office outlined the impact of H.R. 2461 for media:

• Permanently reauthorizes the E-Verify program.
• Makes the program mandatory for all employers.
• Requires federal contractors and agencies to use the program immediately.
• Increases penalties for employers who illegally hire undocumented workers.
• Reduces the liability that employers face if they participate in E-Verify when it involves the wrongful termination of an individual.
• Allows employers to use E-Verify before a person is hired if consent is provided by the employee.
• Requires employers to terminate the employment of those found unauthorized to work due to a check through E-Verify.
• Strengthens Social Security by catching multiple uses of the same Social Security numbers.

E-Verify is administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

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