Booker wants to remove Confederate statues. Will his ambition doom the Dems?

Polling data is dropping fast and furious, Save Jerseyans, and surprise surprise, strong majorities of Americans do not support ripping down Confederate monuments. 62% according to a PBS/NPR/Marist survey; 86% of those polled simultaneously condemned white supremacy.

But good old Cory Booker (D-Twitter) isn’t running to lead Americans past all of this nonsense.

He’s running for the Democrat Party nomination.

That means he’s aiming for a much more narrow, radical audience. He’s saying progressively more and more crazy shit towards that goal. 

So, on Wednesday night, Senator Booker announced his plans to introduce a bill, something right out of an Orwell novel, which would remove all Confederate statues from the U.S. Capitol Building and aid the new national push to sanitize U.S. history.

We’re onto his/their game.

Today’s question: Will Democrats elsewhere pay the price?

Opinion inside the caucus is reportedly divided over Booker’s bill and with good reason. The polls are part of it. The other part: the map. Seven former Confederate states will hold U.S. Senate contests in 2018, and Trump carried all of them save for Virginia; other “red” Trump states like Ohio and West Virginia are also holding Senate contests.

Democrats need a Senate takeover to save Obamacare and stop tax reform among other priorities.

With far-left wackos driving the Dem agenda? And opportunists like Booker bending over backwards to appease them? Resulting in unpopular vandalism and violence in other Trump states (e.g. last night’s attack on Philly’s Frank Rizzo statue – who definitely wasn’t a Confederate)?

They’re likely to fall short DESPITE President Trump’s polarized popularity ratings.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.