N.J. professor fired after wishing for someone to ‘shoot’ Trump

Photo credit: MSNBC

What is it that Chris Christie said about Montclair residents?

Maybe it’s something in the water…?

Montclair State University’s Kevin Allred, who has appeared on liberal media and is best known for teaching a course called “Politicizing Beyoncé”, is reportedly out of a job after threatening President Donald Trump on Twitter, Save Jerseyans.

“I wish someone would just shoot [Trump] outright,” Allred tweeted according to Twitchy:

Allred confirmed the news himself on Twitter before moving to protect his tweets.

“So FYI…Montclair State has fired me before I even started teaching there,” tweeted Allred on Friday. “When universities cave to basic conservative political pressure like this, they’re firmly taking a side.”

“It’s funny cuz in my interview [Montclair State was] super excited about me being young, hip, and calling out power. Guess not in practice, huh?” he continued. “This was all after they promised me work & had me spend weeks creating syllabi for classes they wanted me to teach. Very classy, Montclair.”

The professor’s definition of “classy” is as mysterious as the reason why ANY college believes classes studying a pop singer in any way correlate to a quality “higher” education.

This isn’t Allred’s first incident, either. Click here to read up on the trouble he experienced over at Rutgers after tweeting about gun control, flag burning and… wait for it… Trump!

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