New Jersey’s Lance Slams ‘Wasteful’ Farm Bill After Nay Vote

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Agriculture and Nutrition Act (H.R. 2), popularly known as the Farm Bill, failed to get through the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday morning by a narrow 198-213 vote.

Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) was among the ‘nay’ votes.

“I opposed this year’s fiscally irresponsible Farm Bill because it is a bad deal for taxpayers and contains little in the way of meaningful reforms to help local farmers,” said Lance. “The bill continues to implement price controls and fund wasteful subsidy programs that appear to be more of the same crony capitalism than sound federal food policy.  Handouts continue to be given to wealthy agri-business farms in the Midwest.  The terrible sugar subsidies remain. A more fiscally responsible Farm Bill with stronger and fairer reforms would have earned my support.”

Michigan’s Justin Amash decried “corporate welfare and subsidies” which turned the agriculture measure into “a big-government, anti-market swamp creature that puts special interests ahead of the American people.”

In the backrooms, however, continuing GOP infighting over DACA ended up complicating negotiations between conservatives and moderates and, observers say, proved to be the fatal blow to a package universally opposed by Democrats.

Tom MacArthur (R-NJ3) was the only New Jersey ‘yea’ vote on the bill.

Click here for the full roll call.

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