NJ-03: Democrat nominee Kim refuses to say whether he supports abolishing ICE

MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. — Democrats have an ICE problem.

Radicalized Democrats across the country are either (1) calling to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or (2) running hard and fast from the question altogether as the pre-midterms summer season grinds on.

Here in New Jersey?

Bob Menendez rallied with a crowd of abolish ICE extremists last weekend; Cory Booker is in the latter category, ducking the question on national television. You can see video of both men’s sorry performances here.

Andy Kim, this year’s Democrat nominee in NJ-03 infamous for having a poor relationship with the truth, did his best Cory Booker impression on July 3rd and, at an event in Mount Holly, refused to take a position on the ‘Abolish ICE’ movement…

…16 times.

“Just days after we called on Andy Kim to come clean about where he stands on whether ICE should be abolished, it now comes to light that Kim took campaign contributions from a special interest group that is advocating for that reckless policy,” said Congressman Tom MacArthur, Kim’s November opponent. “Andy Kim’s silence is deafening.”

ICE has been active in New Jersey since President Donald Trump took office, rounding up illegal immigrants convicted or accused of severe and violent crimes including rape.

In his statement, MacArthur also accused Kim of accepting thousands of dollars from groups supportive of abolishing ICE among other far-left causes.

“Andy Kim founded a radical left-wing ‘resistance’ group called RISE Stronger that promotes books authored by cop killers like Mumia Abu-Jamal, anti-Semites and 9/11 conspiracy theorists like Amiri Baraka and domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers,” added MacArthur. “And his group aligned itself with dangerous radicals like Linda Sarsour, who called for ‘jiha’ against the United States government. So, his election-year attempts at being a moderate aren’t fooling anyone.  His silence on the ICE issue speaks volumes.”

The video of Kim’s dodging performance is below:

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