Did Sherrill and Van Drew get snubbed by Obama? Or did they snub him?

By Matt Rooney

Former President, ex-messiah, and discredited ocean level-lowerer Barack Obama released an endorsement list last week, Save Jerseyans, one which steered clear of weighing in on his party’s ongoing struggle between traditional big government liberalism and outright socialism, and two New Jersey Democrats made the former president’s list:

State Sen. Jeff Van Drew (D-1)

Andy Kim (NJ-03) and Tom Malinowski (NJ-07).

Both men spent time in his extended administration so no surprises there.

Conspicuously absent?

Jeff Van Drew (NJ-02) and Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11).

There’s political calculation and machinations afoot. But whose? Obama did say this is the “first wave,” for what it’s worth, implying there’s a second or successor waves coming at some point. All the same, Van Drew is running in sprawling, rural, purple district full of hunters and small business owners which Trump carried, and Sherrill’s district (while a little salty over SALT) is hardly ‘blue.’

Maybe they don’t want Obama’s backing.

Would an Obama stamp of approval be a little too on the nose for liberals masquerading as centrists?

Sherrill (right)

Van Drew’s flip flopping on a variety of hot button issues including abortion is a matter of public record. Sherrill is no better. She recently participated in a Morristown rally where the assembled demanded the abolition of ICE; mere hours later, the Democrat nominee told NJTV that she didn’t want ICE abolished.

Life is complicated when your values system is 100% adjustable to fit your audience.

Van Drew and Sherrill may be running in very different districts at opposite ends of the state, but they certainly share this disconcerted trait (if nothing else) in common.

Republican campaigns aren’t doing their jobs if they fail to ask “why” Van Drew and Sherrill aren’t embracing by choice — or didn’t get the chance of an embrace — from the closest thing the Democrat Party has to a leader at the moment. They’re all frauds. Reveal them.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.