NJ-03: Andy Kim is lying about corporate cash in his new TV ad

By Matt Rooney

Well, I’ll give the guy credit for having brass ones.

On Thursday, pro-tax hike House candidate Andy Kim (D-District of Columbia) dropped a new television spot titled “Service” which, if you know anything about Congressman Tom MacArthur’s NJ-03 challenger this cycle, would undoubtedly be more appropriately tiled “Shameless.”

Check it out, then I’ll catch you up on the other side (below):

We’ve heard him say this before, Save Jerseyans, the part about not taking “corporate” money at the end is b——t, folks.

A lie.

A particularly cute one, too.

We reported back in March of this year how Kim’s campaign had accepted contributions from PACs and campaign committees which, for their part, have accepted large sums of corporate PAC cash. Here’s the list as of March:

AMERIPAC -> $5,000

Steny Hoyer for Congress -> $2,000

CA LUV PAC -> $1,000

Fair Shot PAC -> $1,000

Future Forum Pac -> $1,000

JOE PAC -> $1,000

Mark Takano for Congress -> $1,000

According to the FEC, the above listed PACs cumulatively raised approximately $2 million from corporate PACs as of our March 2018 report. The companies aren’t “liberal” darlings either. Oil, gas, and even ‘Big Pharma’ (don’t tell Bob Menendez supporters).

So Kim technically isn’t raking in corporate cash. Not directly.

He’s allowing intermediaries to accept the cash FOR him. They’re his middle men!

“For someone who claims they aren’t a politician, Andy Kim’s brazen hypocrisy and serial dishonesty about his fundraising tactics would put the most entrenched career politician to shame,” opined MacArthur campaign strategist and spokesman Chris Russell back in March. “Here are the facts: Andy Kim claims he’s not taking corporate PAC money, while simultaneously wheeling thousands of corporate dollars into his account through third parties.  Now he’s compounding that lie by attacking his own fundraising tactics as ‘morally repugnant’ and saying they should be illegal, but with no indication he plans to change his own behavior.”

New Jersey already has enough politicians who play games with the truth. They exist in both parties. They’re the reason why this state’s taxpayers get the worst bang for their buck of any Americans in all fifty states.

Do we really need another? 


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.