NJ-04: Democrat opponent caught lying about Smith’s abortion record

MIDDLETOWN, NJ — Chris Smith is one of Congress’s most high-profile pro-life advocates.

His 2018 Democrat challenger Josh Welle is a Planned Parenthood ally.

The battle lines are clear, which makes Welle’s apparent distortion of Smith’s abortion record all the more strange. What was the point?

According to a report from the Middletown Patch, Welle recently put out a statement accusing Smith, a Republican representing New Jersey’s 4th Congressional District, “of supporting “legislation that bans abortion, even in the case of rape or other health reasons.”

But the Patch fact-checked the claims:

“…a review of Smith’s voting record on the matter of abortion found that is not accurate: In 2017, Smith sponsored legislation that permanently banned federal funding for abortion for women except in cases of rape, incest or the life of the mother. Smith also voted yes on banning ‘partial-birth” abortions, except if the life of the mother is at risk.”

Click here for the full Middletown Patch story.


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