MUST READ: Seattle woman explains how the $15 minimum wage ‘devastated’ her small biz

By The Staff

New Jersey’s minimum wage is set to hit $15 (and then higher) by 2024.

Congressional Democrats are pushing their own national $15 minimum wage scheme.


What about the human toll? For small businesses on Mainstreet, USA?

Heidi Mann owns two Subway franchises in the Seattle area where the minimum wage experiment first picked up steam. She authored an eye-opening op-ed for Fox News’s website this week discussing the consequences for her business and employees.

“Next year, in March 2020, we will, unfortunately, have to close our Seattle location due to the city’s mandated minimum wage. If our experience in Seattle is any indication of the pitfalls of a $15 minimum wage, I implore Congress to carefully consider the ramifications of the proposed legislation,” said Mann.

Click here to read her full opinion editorial.


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