Impeachment hungry House Dems may call Chris Christie to testify

By Matt Rooney

The push is on to get something, anything, on Donald Trump before Election 2020. Mueller dropped the ball (as far as the Left is concerned).

Chris Christie might play a central role in the Democrats’ Plan B.

On Monday, POLITICO reported that some Democrats hope to circumvent executive privilege by calling “presidential confidants such as former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie” to testify on Capitol Hill.

Any congressional grilling of Christie would be great television; it’d also be likely to focus on the Mueller Report’s assertion that Trump contacted Christie for advice on whether to fire the special counsel. Without any evidence of Russian collusion upon which to hang their hats, the ‘obstruction for justice’ theory is the Left’s last hope to secure a grounds for impeachment.

Not to say ‘Russia’ won’t come up. It will. Trump reportedly tried to recruit Christie to serve as a go-between with James Comey in the Russia investigation’s initial phases. 

This new tactic could prove problematic in more ways than one. It’s risky: impeachment backfired on Republicans in the 1990s. There’s also growing concerning inside Democrat campaign circles that a renewed focus on investigations is eclipsing the parties’ substantive agenda, though the personally unpopular Trump may prove a better topic for Democrats than the Green New Deal and some of the party’s other more extreme proposals.

Stay tuned. 


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.