GALLUP: Only 22% of Democrats “extremely proud” to be American

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Democrats are expressing record low pride in being American this Independence Day week. 

According to new survey results from Gallup, only 22% of self-identified Democrats feel “extremely” proud to be American. That’s the lowest level of high-level pride registered in 19 years (when Gallup started asking the question). It’s also half what it was immediately before the underdog 2016 victory of Donald Trump.

The end result is a seismic “pride” gap that, while obviously influenced by President Trump, goes deeper than the identity of the current occupant of the White House. 76% of Republicans are extremely proud, close to their all-time high, but it’s also worth noting that Republican extreme patriotic pride never dipped below 68% even when Barack Obama was president.

Flagging Democrat pride drags down the overall average from across all affiliations, and American ‘extreme pride’ is now below the 50% mark for the second year in a row. 

Click here to see the full polling report.

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