Gottheimer ducks question about whether secret impeachment process is fair

Gottheimer (center)

NEW YORK, NY – Josh Gottheimer (D, NJ-05) joined The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino on Wednesday afternoon and completely ducked a question about the shadowy, secretive impeachment process unfolding on Capitol Hill.

“It’s most important is getting to the facts. Making sure the facts drive the process are not prejudging. I think that’s exactly was going on. I was getting to the facts. There will be a process where there’s going to be public hearings,” the two-term Congressman told Perino who had asked Gottheimer if the process’s critics had a point. “They will have to present — the committees will have to present their findings. I’m not gonna vote on anything on this issue until I can read everything and see everything myself. I’m not going to go on what’s reported.”

Gottheimer’s Fox News appearance came mere hours after a small army of House Republicans stormed a closed-door House Intelligence Committee hearing related to impeachment.


Watch: Rep. Dan Crenshaw roasts Democrats for secret impeachment process, leaks


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