POLL: Biden leads Trump by 19-points in N.J.

TRENTON, N.J. – Another poll shows Joe Biden with an early formidable lead over Donald Trump.

Wednesday’s released Quinnipiac University registered voter poll shows Biden nursing a 19-point lead (54%-35%) over the incumbent president in the Garden State.

The former Vice President’s lead is fueled by large double-digit lead with independent voters (53%-32%).

Biden allegedly has a massive 30-point lead (59%-29%) in “North Jersey” and 21-point lead (55%-34%) in “Central Jersey.”  

Biden’s 1-point advantage in “South Jersey” (45%-44%) is statistically insignificant. Back in April, a Monmouth University poll found Trump leading by in the state’s southern region by 1-point.

Were Biden to carry New Jersey by 19-points, that would be an even more lopsided victory than Barack Obama’s nearly 18-point win over Mitt Romney in New Jersey back in 2012.

Click here to view the full polling report.

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