8 Ways to Make an Impact in N.J.

By Erica Jedynak

As a fan of Save Jersey, I read plenty of valid cynicism and frustration with our state. I am a believer that to make change, you must be the change. We are the calvary and building movements takes time. Here are 8 ways you can make an impact and take back New Jersey:

1. Volunteer. Digital sniping is easy. Taking action is hard work. Volunteer for a campaign or organization making phone calls and knocking doors. Personal conversations can be more effective than expensive advertising. We need more free market policy champions in office.

2. Share your expertise with policymakers. Every New Jerseyan has a skill set or personal testimonial to share with lawmakers. What is yours? In any given two-year legislative session, there might be as many as 10,000 bills introduced in the state legislature. It is almost impossible for legislators and legislative staff to have a detailed understanding of each one. They need to hear from constituents like you. Call, write a letter, or set up a meeting with your lawmakers. Testify in Trenton and share public comment at your town council meeting. Your personal story is incredibly powerful, especially paired with others.

3. Talk to your neighbors. Host a dinner conversation with neighbors and friends to talk about current issues, while breaking bread. Make America Dinner Again has a guide how to do it with a sample invite. As Americans, we need to intentionally cultivate a robust debate of ideas and not brush serious issues under the rug.

4. Fundraise for a cause you are passionate about. Reaching people and making bold change often takes money. Grassroots fundraising can be incredibly rewarding because it also creates buy-in for ideas. There are several easy, virtual platforms to start fundraising today.

5. Change hearts and minds. Share books with friends and family members of different perspectives. What book impacted you or shaped your political philosophy? One of my favorite books to share is “Love Your Enemies” by Arthur Brooks, which includes proven methods of bridging divides and persuasion, backed by behavioral science.

6. Organize leaders in your community. Do not keep great ideas in a silo! We will be stronger when leaders in business, faith, poverty alleviation, and schools crowdsource innovative solutions and collaborate on ideas.

7. Join your school board. Education and taxes are some of the biggest issues facing New Jersey. Running for your school board is a way to have a seat at the table and make change in your own community.

8. Run for office. Not sure where to start? Take a Leadership Institute course to walk through the basics or advanced topics. Whether it is their Future Candidate School or comprehensive fundraising training, you will have an opportunity to sharpen your knowledge and network with others to keep you motivated. (P.S. Ignore the advice of waiting your turn from incumbents looking to protect their fiefdoms and the status quo.)

To the diehard activists out there, practice self-care. You are more powerful when you are healthy and energized. Take time for yourself and your family.

Finally, solutions to New Jersey’s toughest challenges lie with our communities and you – not top-down, one-size-fits-all approaches by government.


Erica Jedynak is a millennial activist and passionate organizer and lives in Morris County, NJ with her husband. Read her full bio at about.me/ericajedynak.  

Erica Jedynak
About Erica Jedynak 29 Articles
ERICA JEDYNAK is the COO for yes. every kid., a leading national advocacy organization w⁠i⁠⁠t⁠h a fam⁠i⁠l⁠i⁠es-f⁠i⁠rs⁠t⁠ approach ⁠t⁠o ⁠t⁠ransform education, where she oversees public affairs and business operations. She lives in Morris County with her husband and son.