Republican gubernatorial nominee Jack Ciattarelli is leaning into the cause of the Cuban people, Save Jerseyans, announcing Monday night that he’ll attend Tuesday evening’s planned Cuban Liberation Rally at North Bergen’s North Hudson Park.
“New Jersey’s Cuban American community has every single right to be outraged about what is happening in Cuba,” said Ciattarelli. “To make matters worse, Governor Phil Murphy has not had the courage to speak in solidarity with New Jersey’s Cuban American population, which is the third-largest in the nation. I have a message for every Cuban American watching the news, and especially New Jerseyans with family members in Cuba who have been abused and deprived of basic human rights: you are not alone in your struggle for freedom and democracy. I stand with you.”
Murphy, who will rely heavily on Hispanic support if he’s going to win reelection, has thus far failed to say much of anything about the protests facing his fellow Socialists in Havana. Other Democrat socialists including Bernie Sanders and AOC have been similarly muted since the protests began.