Star-Ledger’s Moran argues for vaccine mandate, condemns unvaccinated as “unpatriotic”

Moran (L) and Murphy (R)

You can’t say you didn’t see it coming, Save Jerseyans! Despite little-to-no evidence that our hospital system is in any danger of being overwhelmed, Leftists, Faucists and Karens (but I repeat myself, twice) around the nation are clamoring for vaccine mandates.

The Faucists demanding mandatory vaccines unsurprisingly include opinion page chief and olympic-level mouthbreather Tom Moran. In fact, he penned an op-ed for Tuesday urging mandatory vaccinations and degrading anyone who makes a personal decision to abstain.

“Nearly 350 million shots have gone into American arms by now, and the results are in: The vaccines are safe and effective,” says Moran. “To refuse them now at is not just unreasonable — it’s unpatriotic.”

YES, the vaccine appears to be pretty safe and effective for adults. This is where I part with some on the right who do with vaccines what the Left often does with climate change, gender, and other hot button domestic political topics: assume facts not in evidence

But that’s hardly the point here. Since when is the definition of patriotism ‘doing what’s good for you’? Are citizens who eat three cheeseburgers a day anti-American? Are people raising fat kids bad Americans? Conversely, do we give congressional medals of honor to people who exercise daily and slam avocados? Obesity – more than any other factor other than age – appears to play a leading role in dictating negative covid outcomes. Parents who don’t promote healthy eating may not be A+ parents, but is this the road we really want to down?

“[T]hose who refuse vaccines are putting all of us at risk,” continued Moran. “The reason is that as this pandemic drags along, the virus has more time to mutate into new and even deadlier forms. So far, the vaccines have proven effective against all the variants, but experts say there is no guarantee that will be the case next time.”

“This is a rare case where the majority has a right to impose its will,” Moran, doing his best impression of a 20th century fascist concludes. “We are in this together. Where mandates are in place, they are proving to be effective. Given the rising caseload in New Jersey, it’s a tactic whose time has come.”

Moran isn’t just sounding like an authoritarian propagandist here with his uber-creepy talk of a majority justly ‘imposing its will’ on dissenters. He’s also once again untethered from reality. Delta may be more contagious, but there’s no evidence it’s more deadly. I repeat: no evidence! Mutations can actually make a virus weaker. Don’t take my word for it: Moran’s own admission – in the same freaking paragraph! – that the vaccine is holding up is early but very significant evidence undermining his own unsupported thesis of a crisis is looming requiring extra-constitutional measures like a vaccine mandate. He also ignores natural immunity which is another topic for another time. 

And “putting us all at risk,” you say? According to Governor Murphy’s own characteristically flawed math, the vaccine is 99.999% effective at preventing death and 99.997% effective at preventing hospitalization. Our friend the Woke Zombie has pointed out that Murphy’s breakthrough yardstick is comparing the wrong variables, but the fact remains: if you get the shot? You’re highly, extremely likely to be just fine. If you get sick, expect flu-like symptoms if that.

There’s no “patriotic” imperative to do something for other people when they can make an independent decision to (almost) fully protect themselves with or without your active assistance.

There’s nothing patriotic about shit-canning the Constitution to combat a virus that poses a minimal risk to our society. This isn’t the virus from that Dustin Hoffman movie Outbreak. This would be a different conversation if it was. 

What’s really going on here is pretty easy to discern, folks: Leftists like Moran – who don’t believe in a higher power than government – are leveraging COVID-19 to realize the Constitution-less world they’ve always wanted. They’re looking for scapegoats and are willing to do-or-say anything to accomplish their endgame.

If saving lives was their honest goal? Rags like would be ALL over Phil Murphy for his administration’s direct role in killing 8,000+ New Jerseyans in nursing homes. But they’re not, because it isn’t. Their support for baseless, draconian COVID-19 measures is political. Fight back, Save Jerseyans. If they get away with tricking Americans into giving up what makes America… America? There’s no going back.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.