All the info you need for Election Day

It’s hard to believe that today is Election Day. We got some great news yesterday with a new poll showing Jack Ciattarelli within the margin of error, and closing fast (from one of the most accurate pollsters in America over the last five years, to boot)! Victory is within reach.

Now all that’s left for us to do is to vote, get our friends, family and neighbors to vote, and to make sure that the election is being held freely and fairly.

To that end – take this number down! Our election integrity hotline number is 609-288-2925. Please call that number if you encounter any problems or questionable activity at your polling place, and share this number far and wide!

This is one of many measures our team put in place to ensure a safe and secure election as part of our robust and unprecedented election integrity effort. Please see below for full details on that program. The only vote that won’t count in this state tomorrow is one that isn’t cast!

If you have any questions about the voting process or need to find your polling location – CLICK HERE and feel free to share far and wide.

Let’s go save our state.

Tom Szymanski
About Tom Szymanski 2 Articles
Tom Szymanski is Executive Director of the NJGOP.