Montclair bakery’s drag show undermines the Left’s narrative

The American Left’s obsession with sexualizing young children is easily one of the most disturbing and frustrating aspects of its adherents’ increasingly warped ideology, Save Jerseyans.

Case in point: I have no issue whatsoever with “drag queens” and adults having adult fun. i really don’t! I do have a big issue with children being subjected to hyper-sexual content by politically motivated people. It’s gross, manipulative, and just plain wrong.

The popular Libs of TikTok Twitter account posted footage on Tuesday from the TikTok account of @MontclairBread (recently rebranded as Rabble Rise Doughnuts), a New Jersey bakery located in the town of the same name as the handle. Montclair is known as one of the state’s most liberal communities (the incumbent mayor is also uncoincidentally the current head of the NJEA), so it’s not surprising that many of the local businesses share the town’s far-Left bent.

Rabble Rise recently held a “Drag Queens and Donuts” event as part of the townwide “pride month” festival.

Check out this clip (which is NSFW):

So here we have a man, dressed as a woman, dancing around outside dressed like a cabaret performer and accepting money in ***his*** bra (exactly like you’d expect to see at a strip club). As Libs of TikTok points out, some of the audience members forking over cash are clearly minors.

Very young minors.

Defenders of the Left’s Narrative usually counter that there’s ‘nothing sexual’ about drag shows or “drag story time” events conducted for (or attended by) children. We heard similar arguments when scores of New Jersey parents objected to the state’s incoming sex ed curriculum standards – set to take effect for fall 2022 – which will introduce transgenderism to young elementary school children as early as age 7.

Can anyone watch that video above and, with a straight face, tell me there’s ‘nothing sexual’ about drag shows?

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.