N.J. “Moderate Party” banks $500k from Pelosi’s Super PAC

Heads up, New Jersey voters:

If you see any ads down the homestretch of Election 2022 purporting to be from the “Moderate Party” bashing Republicans? It’s actually a Democrat-funded effort.

A renewed attempt to deceive Garden State voters is clearly afoot, and Nancy Pelosi’s fingerprints are all over it. According to an FEC filing obtained by Save Jersey, the Democrat House Majority PAC – the campaign finance arm of Speaker Nancy Pelosi – donated $500,000 to the “Moderate Party Independent Fund,” an unknown group with a D.C.- based P.O. box number.

It wasn’t immediately clear whether this “fund” was affiliated with the failed (and illegal) effort to get NJ-07 Democrat incumbent Tom Malinowski on the ballot twice (!) earlier this year, an effort which was rejected by the Murphy Administration which probably tells you everything that you need to know about the outrageousness of the ploy.

Malinowski, who faces an uphill climb to reelection, indicated he would’ve accepted the Moderate Party‘s nomination in addition to that of his own Democrat Party:

Regardless of who is behind the effort here in New Jersey (or if it’s a D.C.-directed scheme borrowing the same playbook), the NJGOP immediately cited the filing as validation in a press release.

“This confirms beyond a shadow of a doubt everything the NJGOP has been saying about the so-called Moderate Party from the beginning: it is an illegal, Democrat-funded scam designed to deceive voters,” said Tom Szymanski, the NJGOP Executive Director. “Even Phil Murphy’s Department of State has rejected their efforts to manipulate the election process. No amount of dirty tricks or dirty money from Nancy Pelosi will save Democrats from the fate that awaits them at the polls November 8th.”

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8759 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.