Madonna, fresh from turning her face into a catcher’s mitt, will protest Tennessee’s new trans law

Everyone is entitled to an opinion under the law, Save Jerseyans.

Is every opinion worthy of being afforded equal weight in the court of public opinion?

Madonna’s latest nonsense offers a perfect test case. The Material Girl, fresh from her infamously bizarre plastic surgery transformation which turned the pop legend’s face into a cross between a cat’s mug ang a catcher’s mitt, is electing to weigh in on the debate over new Tennessee laws regulating, among other things, youth “gender affirming” procedures. 

She also plans to hold a concert there.

“The oppression of the LGBTQ+ is not only unacceptable and inhumane; it’s creating an unsafe environment; it makes America a dangerous place for our most vulnerable citizens, especially trans women of color,” Madonna opined on Instagram. “Also, these so-called laws to protect our children are unfounded and pathetic. Anyone with half a brain knows not to f–k with a drag queen. Bob [the Drag Queen] and I will see you from the stage in Nashville where we will celebrate the beauty that is the queer community.”

Now, while I have no formal psychiatric training, folks, I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that Madonna is clearly suffering from SEVERE mental illness of some sort at present. No one does what she did to her face unless something dark is lurking beneath the surface. It’s undeniably sad, and that’s especially true for those of us who grew up in the ’80s and ’90s.

Why, exactly, is anyone prepared to take her advice on gender “affirmation” or any other mental health-related topic?

Einstein had his own definition of sanity. I’m hardly on the same level, but allow me to suggest that taking advice on what constitutes crazy from crazy people is an equally acceptable definition!

We need to stop normalizing crazy. Society’s entertainment/educational/political establishment is harming our children with its bizarre social experiments and, in the case of Covenant Christian, one of those experiments returned to destroy six innocent lives. Fixing our culture starts with rejecting “cultural icons” who clearly have nothing positive to offer our children.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8755 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.