POLL: A divided America is fairly united in hating pronouns

The results of a new Wall Street Journal-NORC survey aren’t exactly encouraging, Save Jerseyans. The online poll of 1,019 U.S. citizens probed the state of American values, and it’s ugly: the importance our fellow citizens place on bedrock values like hard work and patriotism is slipping, and concepts like “American exceptionalism” are also on the wane.

One interesting finding?

Despite profound divisions among the electorate on “woke” issues like transgenderism and corporate activism, Americans are fairly united it loathing the incredibly obnoxious “show me your pronouns” fad. It isn’t even particularly popular among younger residents despite a growing number of young professionals (and older liberals) who insist upon including “preferred pronouns” in their social media profiles and professional email signatures.

“Half of people in the survey said they didn’t like the practice of being asked to use gender-neutral pronouns, such as ‘they’ or ‘them,’ when addressing another person, compared with 18% who viewed it favorably,” the WSJ reports. “Some 30% of respondents under age 35 viewed the practice favorably, compared with 9% of seniors.”

The full poll results are available here.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8755 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.