Van Drew: No bailouts for offshore wind companies

There’s every indication that Big Wind is in the market for a bailout, Save Jerseyans, as the cost of the unworkable technology stymies development on both U.S. coasts.

Meanwhile, even some Democrats (including the governor of Oregon) are calling on the Biden Administration to halt offshore wind development. New Jersey State Senator Paul Sarlo (D-36), chairman of the Budget Committee, recently warned Board of Public Utilities President Joseph Fiordaliso that he would “have a very difficult time supporting any future subsidy for these developers.’’

Why should taxpayers foot the bill for a tanking industry?

On Tuesday, Congressman Jeff Van Drew (R, NJ-02) called on public officials at every level of government to resist attempts to subsidize sputtering “green energy” companies with tax dollars.

“Under absolutely no circumstances should hard working middle class families – whether it’s here in South Jersey or anywhere across America – be forced to bailout the greedy foreign energy companies and their failing Green New Deal ventures which continue to put our wildlife in danger, our economy at risk, and our national security in jeopardy,” said Van Drew.

“I am calling on my colleagues in Washington as well as those at every level of government here in New Jersey to stand up, speak out, and join me in doing everything we can not only to stop this blatant corporate welfare, but to claw back any previous subsidies they may have received,” the Congressman added. “We need to put the American people ahead foreign millionaires and billionaires and ensure American energy independence for generations to come – the time for choosing is now.”

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.