Trump, Christie argue over whose Democrat hug was worse

The bloom is (long) off of the rose for former political allies Donald Trump and Fatty McThunderbiscuits (Chris Christie), Save Jerseyans.

The former man sits atop of the 2024 GOP primary polls by a mile. Several, in fact. Chris Christie is far back in single digit territory; he’s throwing a hail mary by running an all-“Orange Man Bad” campaign right out of the Left’s well-worn playbook.

They’re not even on the same platforms let alone the same page these days, but the ex-friends sparred over Tuesday into Wednesday over whose Democrat hug was the mot offense.

Trump kicked off off overnight, ripping Christie on Truth Social for his infamous 2012 lovefest with Barack Obama in the immediate aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.

“Christie was so star struck with Barack Hussein Obuma, that Romney, who is a terrible politician and horrible representative of the Republican Party, never had a chance of winning the Presidency,” Trump declared. “Christie sold Romney out, making one of the worst Convention Speeches in History—Virtually not even mentioning Romney by name. Romney sat watching, in a trance—He couldn’t believe it!”

Christie countered with a tweeted photo from Trump’s 2005 wedding featuring the future president, the future first lady, and both Clintons.

“Yeah… I invited the sitting President to New Jersey during the worst natural disaster in our state’s history,” growled Christie. “But I didn’t invite him to my wedding… Donald – did you dance the night away with Hillary?”

I can settle this one pretty easily, folks:

Christie’s hug was far worse.

Trump’s wedding took place 11 years prior to his future campaign-for-the-ages again Hillary Clinton. It was a purely-social affair which took place at the beginning of George W. Bush’s second term in an off-cycle year.

Christie flew Obama into New Jersey on the eve of Election 2012 when, up until the infamous hug by the beach, polling suggested Mitt Romney HAD momentum. Christie didn’t just bring in the president, somberly surveyed some damage and then have a sitdown to hash out the details of a federal response. It was an elaborate photo op which allowed Obama to appear “presidential” at a critical juncture in the race. Christie, for his part, cared far more about looking “presidential” himself for a planned future run than the damage he was inflicting upon his party’s chances in November. Christie had turned down overtures to run in 2012.

It’s also worth noting that Christie was one of America’s most popular politicians at the time. He could’ve easily asked the president to wait until things calmed down before visiting which is what NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg said. Bloomberg actually endorsed Obama around the same time, so it wasn’t politics which convinced the then-mayor of New York to turn down the leader of the free world. Obama wasn’t going to hold up federal aid; Christie didn’t win a single extra cent for the Jersey Shore by prostituting himself for a some good press.

Christie infamously went on to fail spectacularly in 2016 while Trump pulled off the greatest upset since Truman vs. Dewey.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.