CRAZY: U.S. Attorney corrects release after gendering (!) New Jersey child porn distributor

Need proof that this “gender fluidity” insanity has gone too far?

Meet Marcevan Manasse, a 28-year-old Somerville, New Jersey, man who pleaded guilty on Thursday in federal court to one count of distributing child pornography. The office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey issued a press release at 2:39:33 PM EDT celebrating Manasse’s plea.

“From Sept. 20, 2020, through Nov. 22, 2020, Manasse distributed material containing images and video files of child sexual abuse, via a publicly available online peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing network of linked computers,” the release explained. “Law enforcement officers conducted an undercover online session to access the P2P program and to download five video files and 11 images containing child pornography from an IP address assigned to an internet service provider account associated with Manasse’s residence. These files included multiple visual depictions of pre-pubescent children being sexually abused by adults.”

Manasse faces 5-20 years in jail and a fine of $250,000. We’ll find out what his sentence will be on January 23, 2024, and based upon the description of the offense, he’ll deserve every ounce of punishment handed down from the bench.

But approximately two hours later – 4:36:18 PM EDT to be precise – the U.S. Attorney’s office dropped a corrected release which changed the subject line from “SOMERSET COUNTY MAN” to “SOMERSET COUNTY RESIDENT” and adding the following note:

NOTE: Changing gender pronoun “man” to “resident.”

Are you kidding me?

A man (yes, he’s a man) who sexually exploited kids is headed to jail, and New Jersey’s top federal law enforcement authority is primarily concerned with offending the Alphabet Mafia who believe gender is a state of mind?

This sorry episode is another clear illustration why we need to fight to protect our children this November and every day of every year, Save Jerseyans. From child predators like Marcevan Manasse, yes, but also from politicians and their appointees whose policies are absolutely, unambiguously, and frighteningly insane. They’re actively encouraging mental illness and placing everyone in society at enhanced risk.

Remember: earlier this month, the N.J. State School board voted to nix gendered pronouns. It won’t stop until you VOTE to stop it.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8553 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.