GOP Senators file motion in Murphy’s litigation against N.J. school districts

One week after an injunction was granted to the Murphy Administration in its lawsuit against the Hanover, Manalapan-Englishtown, Marlboro and Middletown Public School Districts, Senators Douglas Steinhardt (LD-23) and Michael Testa, Jr. (LD-1) have formally intervened by filing motions in support of the districts’ position.

“I’m entering this fight because my family and thousands of my constituents were shocked and appalled when the State launched this attack on the fundamental right of parents to raise their kids,” said Steinhardt, a former chairman of the NJGOP and a practicing attorney. “My district office has been inundated with calls from outraged constituents who fear for their family’s future in New Jersey. I take very seriously the oath I swore to protect the Constitutions of the United States and State of New Jersey. I can’t sit by idly while an activist Attorney General abuses the power of his office by trying to assert the State’s will over the God given rights of good parents everywhere to protect and love their own children. It’s wrong and they won’t be silenced – not on my watch.”

“The idea that bureaucrats in Trenton are in a better position to raise our children than the parents of New Jersey is straight out of Saul Alinsky’s handbook,” added Testa. “We have always been told that it is wholly inappropriate for adults to keep secrets with children that are not their own. Here, the State’s argument contends that it is perfectly appropriate for the State to have a secret with a child which excludes the child’s parents. Traditionally, this is called ‘grooming’. Raising your kids is a fundamental right that no un-elected liberal politician in Trenton will take away from New Jersey families on my watch. I am proud to join in this fight and stand shoulder to shoulder with parents around New Jersey to stop this madness.”

Attorney General Matt Platkin filed Division on Civil Rights (DCR) complaints back in June to shut down the three Monmouth districts’ policies requiring parental notification if a child attempted to use a different gender identity at school in the classroom, bathroom, and even sports contexts.

The senators’ are requesting permission to file an amicus brief.

Click below to review the filings:

Senator Steinhardt Certification

Senator Testa Certification

Proposed Amicus Brief

Motion and Letter Brief

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8553 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.