BREAKING: NJGOP unanimously votes to keep 2024 presidential primary

That’s that, Save Jerseyans. At least for now.

A massively controversial plan to scrap the New Jersey GOP 2024 presidential primary was defeated on Tuesday night without any dissent.

The state committee vote was 34-0.

During the proceedings, the committee also voted for a “winner takes all” delegate award system; the NJGOP will also formally seek a waiver from the RNC.

“After two hours of discussion, the chairs and the state committee unanimously protected the voting rights of 1.5 million Republican voters,” Somerset Republican Chairman Tim Howes told Save Jersey after the vote. “We are willing to stand strong against any attempt to disenfranchise New Jersey voters.”

Announced on Sunday night with little notice for annoyed county chairmen, the proposal advanced by NJGOP Chairman Bob Hugin would’ve replaced a June ballot for the presidential primary – the traditional method of selecting delegates to the national convention – in favor of a state convention in March populated by party insider-selected attendees.

In the run-up to Tuesday night’s vote, numerous party chairmen and elected officials expressed their outrage at not only the concept itself but the potential impact on base enthusiasm heading into two consecutive major election cycles.

At one point during the floor discussion, there appeared to be friction between Hugin and NJGOP National Committeeman Bill Palatucci over the proposal making it through rules committee. Palatucci opposed the idea on the floor, but speculation ran rampant on Tuesday that the entire scheme was a Christie World endeavor to improve the ex-governor’s chances of pulling delegates from his home state.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8759 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.