NJGOP upbraids Dem leaders for dismissing voter concerns including parental rights, offshore wind

Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt, Save Jerseyans. It’s apparently a central plank of New Jersey Democrats’ 2023 platform.

“The things that are actual issues they can’t debate us on,” Senate President Nick Scutari told NJ.com on Sunday. “So [Republicans] make up issues. People are confident in Democratic leadership.”

Scutari’s comment raised eyebrows on the day after; by way of background, the NJ.com article covering the topic is titled “Sex education, gas stoves, dead whales targeted by Republicans in fight for N.J. Legislature. Democrats say it’s made up.”

You wouldn’t know it by how they’re behaving. Both Scutari and Speaker Craig Coughlin have attempted to distance themselves and their caucuses from Phil Murphy on everything from offshore wind to the state school board’s far-Left transgender policies. Can you simultanesouly blame Republicans for allegedly making up issues while simultaneously validating those concerns?

You can certainly try! Whether it works is another matter altogether.

“Faced with a November reckoning on the record they have left in Trenton of driving energy costs up and kicking parents out of the classroom, Democrats have pathetically turned to disparaging voters’ concerns as imaginary,” said Alex Wilkes, the NJGOP Spokeswoman. “The only thing ‘made up’ is Nick Scutari’s self-created delusion that voters aren’t furious about how badly Democrats have behaved under one-party rule.”

Polling is validating Republicans, too; by way of example, a recent poll found a supermajority of residents opposed to the Murphy Administration’s guidance concerning withholding transgender expression at school from the child’s parents or guardians.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8761 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.