Kim stuns Murphy in Monmouth, takes “home” county line from governor’s wife

Andy Kim will be harder to beat, no doubt, but it’s also a beautiful thing to watch Tammy Murphy crash and burn, isn’t it?

The Murphys are bad people, and bad people deserve to lose. They need to lose.

The Congressman (a Democrat representing NJ-03) defeated the governor’s wife on Saturday at the Monmouth County Democrat convention. It wasn’t close: Kim pulled down 265 votes to Murphy’s 181. That’s a blowout 57% to 39% win for the Burlington County-based three-term Democrat.

Monmouth is reddish but something like 1 in 20 Democrat primary voters live there; it’s also the Murphys “home county” which adds to the embarrassment.

Mrs. Murphy’s loss follows a series of serious setbacks including a row over endorsements which weren’t real and a major national women’s organization endorsement which went to Kim over his female adversary. Murphy still has the money and an institutional edge, but Saturday’s loss cements the narrative that the Democrat base doesn’t appear to be in her corner.

I also think there are echoes of Clinton vs. Obama 2008 in the Murphy vs. Kim 2024 contest, Save Jerseyans. More on that later…

For now, Murphy World is in serious trouble. What remains to be seen is if the Democrat establishment is committed to saving them or, at some point, decides to leave Tammy to her fate.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8765 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.