So. Let’s see…
These pro-terrorist hate groups have:
1. Illegally “occupied” land that is not theirs and “settled” on it. Forcing out the rightfully owners of the space. Hmmm…
2. They have invited like-minded miscreants to join them in spreading this settlement. I think you call that “colonizing”. Hmmm…
3. They have practiced “apartheid” by segregating and exiling “”Zionists” or anyone who condemns their calls for genocide. Hmmm…
4. They have created borders, sealed those borders and threatened anyone who would try to cross their borders without permission. They will expel you if your caught crossing their border illegally. Hmmm…
5. They have banished journalism from their ranks, effectively banning freedom of the press.
6. They have forbidden any speech within their “occupied territories “ that does not align with their Marxist dogma, effectively ending free speech.
7. They chant Death to America, tear down the American flag and replace it with Palestinian flag. And elected Democrats show up to stand in solidarity with this totalitarian movement and call them heroes.
College Administrators, who created these little cultist, cower and do nothing. Many secretly applaud.
Property is destroyed, schools shutdown, Jewish students live in fear and there are few consequences on the horizon.
All funded with matching tents and snazzy protest signs by big-money, America-hating leftist.
This is the Obama/Biden America and it’s just getting warmed up. These are the coming attractions for a summer of “mostly peaceful protests” backlit by burning buildings.
Meanwhile, Biden and his utterly corrupt DOJ will do all they can to jail, bankrupt and silence any opposition to the ruling regime. Their firewall is their compliant and complicit partners in the corporate media; amplifying false narratives while refusing to report the truth.
Come election time, we will once again see the rules of the game mutated, massaged and manipulated. Always to the benefit of the Democrats.
In the courts, agenda-driven judges and Soros-backed DA’s seek, not justice, nor law and order; only vengeance, silence and intimidation of their political opponents.
They have removed their masks. Still we refuse to see.
We have six months America? What are we going do about it?